So in 2022 there are lots of apple commodities thatyou should not waste your coin on the main reason behind this that they’ve either been out for along time they’re just not worth buying or quite a lot of these products apple are going to probablygoing to upgrade them in 2022. a good example product to start with is these airpods pros ihave right here and mostly these ought to have out since the end of 2019. we’re talking two anda half years ago when we go into 2022. it is therefore has been a very very long time they are due at upgradeand we’re looking forward to them to come so right now personally if you’re in the market to getyourself some airpods or extremely the pro ones i would hold out a little bit longer don’t get mewrong if you guys have actually got the airpods pro at the moment they are still a great deviceand you still will get quite a good few years out of these for some years to come before needing toupgrade them to another contemporary of airpods but personally right now if you’re in the market forsome airpods pros do not waste your fund on these another product that well want to show youguys is something else not to consume your coin on something else that’s been out for a long timeis actually the airpods twos so these came out also in 2019 and yeah to be honest we’ve nowgot the airpods free and apple still continue to sell these don’t get me wrong they’re really goodthey’re really good plan rate for what they are but personally i wouldn’t rile coming them iwould actually devote a little bit more extra money to get the airpods free because probably applewill support them for a longer amount of era and too they are better design better qualitybetter sound better everything in every space and it’s definitely worth spending a bit more moneyto get the airpods free over the airpods more the next make not to get is one of these wellspecifically what i’m going to say one of the following options is not to get the higher tier mac mini yes wedo have the m1 mac mini right now and that is absolutely amazing unquestionably get yourself oneof these if you miss yourself a fund mac mini and that really actually makes a really goodpoint the m1 mac mini is actually more better in its performance and cheaper than the highertier intel mac minis that are available right now these higher tier mac minis came out in 2018 andthey’ve not really had any improves to them it’s been a long long time now in 2022 we’re expectingto get m1 pro and m1 max put inside a brand new design mac mini so right now personally i wouldhold off in getting yourself one of these higher tier mac minis don’t get one hold out or if you’rereally hopeless surely consider getting yourself the m1 mac mini because it’s still morepowerful than one of these intel ones that you identify right here continuing on with max another maci wouldn’t consider going is the 27 -inch imac that you can see right here this is the last imacthat needs a big upgrade and it still has intel processors inside them yes those intel processorswere updated at the end half of 2020 or time 2020 era around about that time but more we knowwe’re going to be perhaps coming an imac pro or we’re going to be suppose something simply calledthe 30 inch or 27 inch imac and it will have that m1 pro and m1 max chipset inside it and also thereis a rumor that we might even get a more powerful chip inside as well so definitely consider waitingout for one of these imacs because the intel one is definitely not worth getting we’re going tobe get a brand new design something similar to like what we have with the 24.5 inch m1 imacand i would definitely surely say if you crave a larger imac just wait out a little bit longerand don’t waste your coin on getting yourself an intel imac then there’s one more elephant inthe apartment of a mac and to be honest literally it is the elephant in the apartment it is the macpro this super expensive mac pro is just not worth buying you might as well actually buy rightnow a macbook pro with an m1 max chipset inside it because it will be cheaper and yet it will bemore powerful than a lot of the mac pros out there right now as you can see in thesegeekbench compositions right here but multi-core it’s just not worth getting one they’re overexpensive just not biding bother squandering your fund on such a machine however what we haveheard in 2022 we could be getting a smaller mac pro or we could still be coming that largermac pro but we’re going to be getting something extra special put inside it was gonna be evenmore powerful than the m1 max chipset that we have out right now what’s the most powerful applesilicon chip that apple generates so unquestionably if “youre one” of those people who love to havethe most powerful mac ever yeah don’t waste your fund on the intel version wait out a little bitlonger because in 2022 we’re going to be getting an upgrade to this mac pro and it’s going tobe absolutely magnificent so time sitting up here for that something else what is really awesome and thatis what’s going on on our path right now and it is for this it’s a giveaway for an iphone1 3 pro max in this silver white color and this 256 gigabyte sit and i’m going to be givingthis away to one lucky subscriber when we get a over 350 000 customers and it’s not thatfar away to be honest and all i want to know from you guys to be on your hands to get yourhands on this iphone 13 pro max is write down in the comments below of what apple products whattechnology products you’re planning to buy in 2022 hopefully you’re not going to mention any ofthe products that i’m mentioning in this video but the point is if you want to get your handson this iphone 13 pro max make sure you write a comment below but likewise at the same time if you’renew now make sure you too stumbled the agree button and the notification bell because i’ll becreating a video when we get over 350 thousand customers announcing who the champion is now justquickly i do want to mention there are a lot of scammers a great deal of spammers out there impersonatingme telling you to telegram them to whatsapp them that you’ve won a booty ignore them completelyit’s not me at all i will only be telling you when we get over 350 000 subscribers in thatvideo who the winner is of this iphone 13 pro max without us the lane let’s talk about thenext produce you should not waste your coin on in 2022 so this next product and the make afteri really cannot realise why apple even sell it today and the first one is this this is an ipod touchand specifically it’s the latest generation i think it’s the sixth contemporary and the reason whyi’m even a little confused which contemporary we’re on is because it’s been so long since apple actuallydid an upgrade to an ipod way in fact it’s really hard to find the actual ipod strokes onapple’s website and in fact what i had to do was actually do a pursuing to find it but apple believeit or not still sell this ipod touch and inside it it’s actually only got an a1 0 chipset inside it ifyou guys don’t know your discrepancies between your a10c a15 mostly this is the same chipset cameout inside the actual iphone 7. Remember when that came out the first telephones have dual cameras on theback or the iphone 7 plus we’re talking about that age then yeah apple still sell these brand new idon’t actually get it peculiarly also we have so many ipads now i just really don’t understand whythis product actually exists or if it does exist why apples haven’t actually done an updated to itrecently it could just mostly keep the same design maybe add touch id on the bottom because itdoesn’t even have touch id she’s got the standard normal button from the likes of say an iphone5 that’s the last time we had that and more you know i just don’t get it at all why apple sellit do not waste your coin on its consideration of the sub-item it’s completely useless in my opinion without gettingsome great upgrades and unhappily from what we hear there doesn’t seem to be any proposals apple goingto be upgrading this anytime soon that leads-in me onto the next component precisely not to touch in 2022 andbelieve it or not that is the apple tv hd model now the apple hd pattern do not get it confused withthe 4k prototype now the 4k prototype is a great item and it actually has inside that an a12 chipset insideit it’ s quite good to be honest in 2022 but the original apple tv hd actually has an a8 inside itthis is the same chipset we got inside the iphone 6 and the 6 plus so we’re talking a long longtime ago and if you are to buy one of these now you’re not going to get support for many yearsto come well you’ll get a couple more times but that’s it there’s absolutely no detail you might aswell spend only a little bit more cash out there to get yourself the 4k example what comes with abetter remote and also is a more powerful box for everything so obviously consider getting yourselfthat one and do not touch the normal apple hd box instead the next part again truly confounds mewhy apple still sell my shares in 2022 and it is this just in case you can’t really see this this is theapple watch streak 3. Granted it labours and it also is getting the latest apple modernizes but that’s asfar as it goes really this is a really old design apple watch and it has a 32 -bit cpu or sic insideit and to be honest i just don’t get why apple actually continued to sell this especially when wehave the likes of the apple watch se for example i did think that in 2020 when they announced theapple watch se that they would might continue to sell the apple watch free for maybe another yearbut in 2021 they only retired but when it came along to when we got the apple watch sequence 7 noapple decides to keep on selling the apple watch successions 3. The apple watch series 3 is quite slowit’s an old design the battery life is nowhere as good as compared to say the apple watch sc ornewer simulations it’s just not worth getting in 2022 so again as much as it has got a nice price tag onit i would avoid it waste a little bit more money and get yourself the apple watch se was definitelya better apple watch so i’ve only got three more mannequins to mona not to buy in 2022 and two of themare actually iphones the first one is this it’s an iphone se now the iphone se is a great conceptand is a great idea what to get but personally there is a new iphone se coming out in 2022 soi wouldn’t probably get yourself one of these right now i would probably wait out a little bitlonger to see what the next generation iphone se talk about yes “weve had” rumors that the nextgeneration iphone is going to look accurately the same to this one but we’ve got to see what reviewsare going to say how good battery life is how good 5g is because that’s what we also want the bigupgrades we’re going to go in the next generation iphone se so personally i would not waste yourmoney on this iphone se right now i would just wait a little bit longer with that iphone outof the style let’s talk about the next iphone and that iphone is the iphone 11. Now the iphone1 1 conceded is still a very good iphone and if you own one right now certainly keep it for a goodyear or two because it’s definitely a great phone but if you’re a person looking for a brand newiphone i would not consider getting one of these it’s definitely not worth it it has only one lcd screenon it for example what is old technology iphone 12 s onwards has already been oled spectacles and they’redefinitely better and supervisor it’s just not worth getting yourself an lcd telephone also it’s also anold design and also has an aged a13 chipset inside it that they are able to get some expressed support for a good few yearsto come but personally you might as well just expend a little bit more money getting yourself aniphone 12 in 2022 instead of getting yourself a brand new iphone 11. Then the final product thati want to talk about what i would actually say i’m a bit in debate in to say to get or to get in2 022 and that is to do with the ipad air now the ipad air is the only ipad that was not revised in2021 every single other ipad came informed however the ipad air did be updated the end of 2020 so itwasn’ t that long ago in all things considering and that’s what becomes me sit on the fence with thisone there is a new ipad breeze coming in 2022 and the large-scale refurbishes that will be happening to it mostlikely is it will get an a1 5 chipset inside it 5g capability and that’s if you only pick thecellular account and likewise center stage was also available on every other ipad apart from this oneup to this point so really is it big-hearted refurbishes or is it minor improves personally in my opinioni think they’re minor ameliorates so you can see what i’m saying if 5g is a big thing that you’regoing to need and also that you really really need to use center stage yeah i would probably waitout a little bit longer to get that ipad aura if not i would sit and probably yeah i’d actuallypossibly consider get the current ipad air because it’s still a great ipad it’s got the a1 4chipset inside it this next ipad aura will have the a15 chipset inside it and if you’ve lookedat geekbench orchestrates you can see that a14 to a15 there’s only around about a 10 to 15 percentdifference in concert it’s going to be hardly noticeable so do have a good think about ifyou do want to get yourself the next generation ipad air over the present one that is availableright now well guys that’s all the products that i would say not to probably get into 2022 and notto garbage your money on let me know your thoughts and if you think there’s any other productsi’ve missed out that you shouldn’t get in 2022 set them down in the comments below well it’stime to wrap up this video so if you have enjoyed watching it guys please do press the like buttonand too at the same time as well if you want to hear the latest apple news reviews and comparisonsplease also make sure you affected that subscribe button followed by the notification bell untilnext time guys i will see you really soon bye
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